Milica Blagojević-Janković

svako ima svoj kod

Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to Survive Coronavirus (A Medicine for Coronavirus)


It is the working day like any other (I know little about non-working days, but that day will be a topic someday).

We are spinning into the pharmacy, working, earning money for life, giving advice, try to help, even when it is possible and impossible, giving answers even when it is difficult to find them. It is one of those days, so hard and tiring. People are nervous, gloomy, difficult. We wear masks, and that is unforgivable. However, we cannot blame anyone for that, because we are all in the same skin. We are afraid of coronavirus, and masks are above all obligatory, either we believe in corona or not. We wear them and keep quiet. Sometimes we stumble because of our narrowed (tunnel) vision (again because of the mask), but we don't care, it is important that the head is on the shoulders, who cares for a broken leg, a dislocated hip, or a few of bruises. We wear masks and mutter something into it, each for ourselves, and we are all in the same skin (it may be full up skin), we are under masks because of coronavirus (the head is in question). So we are wearing our masks, talking, shouting, and every other sentence is, "Excuse me, what did you say?" "Ibuprofen of 600mg, 3 pieces", shouts the man hidden behind his mask (KN95-black), not at all surprised that we don't hear each other well because it's because of the mask. We wear masks, fight for the oxygen molecules, suffocate like fishes on dry land and repeat the sentences a few times, just in case not to happen later: "I didn't want ibuprofen, I wanted propafenone." Whatever we want to say, we have to say it in a slightly stronger tone, as if we are angry, and we are not. We are already wearing masks, that's all. Coronavirus is everywhere.

It is an ordinary day like any other, a day during corona, we work, we fight for bare life, for a crust of bread, for a molecule of air for thirsty lungs. And so on that ordinary day, between the shelves I'm stocking, I came across a grandmother who asked me: "Can you please help me?" “Sure, just tell me what do you need,” I am saying under my mask. "Give me the medicine for corona," the sympathetic lady said seriously to me. "Do you mean vitamins for strengthening the organism and the immune system," I am saying, ready to present to her everything that is on offer, and the most efficient and most favorable. "I don't want vitamins, I already take it all, I want you to give me a coronavirus medicine." "Are you covid positive? Did you go to the doctor?", I start anxiously questioning her to help if I can of course. "I do not have corona infection, but I want you to give me a medicine to take and be calm and finish once forever with coronavirus disease." She is serious that she can't be more serious, I realize in a moment smiling her with an invisible smile (that smile remained under the mask) and I say: "Unfortunately, dear lady, we still don't have a medicine for coronavirus". She was disappointed, her eyes betrayed her, and I won't be able to talk about the complete expression on her face because he remained hidden under her mask and buried deep in her soul and memory, I'm sure. I turned for a moment, and she was gone. I thought, here's what CORONA did to us. It's all because of her. We want medicine for coronavirus!!!

Milica Blagojevic-Jankovic

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Kako preživeti koronu (Lek za koronu)


Radni dan je kao i svaki drugi (za neradni slabo znam ali biće i taj dan tema nekada).

Vrtimo se po apoteci, radimo, zarađujemo za hleb, savetujemo, pokušavamo pomoći i onda kada se može i ne može, dati odgovore čak i onda kada ih je teško pronaći. Jedan je od takvih dana, težak, naporan. Ljudi su nervozni, sumorni, teške naravi. Nosimo maske, a to se ne prašta. Ipak ne možemo zameriti nikome na tome, jer svi smo u istoj koži. Bojimo se korone, a maske su nadasve obavezne, verovali mi u koronu ili ne. Nosimo ih i ćutimo. Ponekad se sapletemo jer nam je vidokrug sužen (opet zbog maski), ali ne mari, važno je da je glava na ramenima, koga je briga za slomljenu nogu, isčašen kuk ili po koju modricu. Nosimo maske i mrmljamo ponešto u nju, svako za sebe, i svi smo u istoj koži (može i sitoj), pod maskama smo zbog korone (glava je u pitanju). Dakle, nosimo maske, pričamo, nadvikujemo se, i svaka druga rečenica je: "Izvinite, šta ste rekli?" "Brufen od 600mg, 3 komada", povikuje čovek sakriven iza svoje maske (KN95-crna), nimalo začuđen što se ne čujemo dobro, jer to je zbog maski. Nosimo maske, borimo se za molekul kiseonika, gušimo se kao ribe na suvom i ponavljamo rečenice po par puta, za svaki slučaj da ne bude posle: "Nisam hteo brufen, hteo sam propafen." Šta god da želimo reći, moramo malo jačim tonom izgovoriti, kao da smo ljuti, a nismo, već nosimo maske, samo je to u pitanju. Korona je svuda. 

Običan je dan kao i svaki drugi, dan za vreme korone, radimo, borimo se za goli život, za koru hleba, za molekul vazduha za žedna pluća. I tako tog običnog dana između rafova koje defektiram naiđem na bakicu koja me upita: "Možete li, molim Vas, da mi pomognete?" "Naravno, samo recite" kažem ispod maske. "Dajte mi lek protiv korone," ozbiljna je simpatična gospođa. "Mislite li na vitamine za jačanje organizma i imunog sistema", kažem, spremna da joj predstavim sve što je u ponudi, a najefikasnije i najpovoljnije. "Neću vitamine, to sve već pijem, hoću da mi date lek za koronu." "Da li ste covid pozitivni? Da li ste išli lekaru?", krenem zabrinuto da je ispitujem kako bih pomogla ako ikako mogu naravno. "Nemam koronu, ali hoću da mi date lek da popijem i da budem mirna i da završim više sa tom koronom." Ona je ozbiljna da ozbiljnija ne može biti, shvatim u trenutku, nasmešim se nevidljivim smeškom (ispod maske je ostao taj osmeh) i kažem:: "Nažalost, draga gospođo, još uvek nemamo lek za koronu". Ona je bila razočarana, oči su je odavale, a o celokupnom izrazu lica neću moći da govorim jer je ostao ispod njene maske sakriven i zariven duboko u njenu dušu i pamćenje, sigurna sam. Na tren sam se okrenula, a nje više nije bilo. Pomislih, eto šta nam je uradila korona. To je sve zbog nje. Hoćemo lek za koronu!!!

Milica Blagojević-Janković